Suggestion Thing's I would like to see in the game


Apr 13, 2017
First of all this is going to be specifically what i would like to see to be added to the server which is going to be mostly PvP related. All of these things are there to wake up the community and make PvP more common rather than having to wait for a specific time to do PvP. Here are the thing's that I've thought of:

-Guild vs Guild : This could involve like a challenge request for guild versus guild PvP, there could be a leader board implemented for this and then the guild | Alliance at the top gets a reward. This would be balanced though so a 5v5 or 10v10 situation so that it is fair on both sides.

-Player vs Player : This could be like a 1v1 arena. There is an arena for dragons but why not players? This could also have a leader board and a tournament of each players fighting under the same conditions such as no heals / toughness sets or shields for oracles ( For the purpose of them being un-killable with 30sec duration and 30sec cool-down ).

-The Purge event : One hour a day in specific zones where PvP is activated and anyone can kill anyone even if you are in the same guild, this would need to be promoted as people might find it a waste of time so without rewards it would be pointless.

-Alliance Sanctuary : A way of being able to teleport to your alliances sanctuary would be nice as it's a very open area and could be used for socialising or other things could be implemented possibly

-Sky Island larger secret apartments: The secret apartments is quite limited as only one house can be placed in there. There are larger / different size island apartments that seemed to have never been released and are next to the one that is currently available ( I had screenshots but i lost them sadly )

-Sanctuary dragon god alter: I don't really remember it ever being useful at all so it could be changed to trade guild points for other things. Would give more encouragement for people to farm their daily 150 guild points.

-Battleground lvl 108: I have no idea when battleground will be added but when it will it would be nice if we got level 108 accessories and other items. ALSO the battleground armor set was trash, it cost 4,000 badges for low hp + bad bonuses, if these bonuses could be fixed to give a unique armor set it would be nice.

-Somethings for Marketplace: Items that get your dragons bonus to max or something along those lines because holding eggs is boring and I was never able to get a max bonus dragon q.q [HASHTAG]#pray4moisterschool[/HASHTAG]. Or possibly a different way of getting a max bonus rather than afking at artecia because that is boring.

-Replacement: Replacement should be brought back to work the way it used to.

-Costumes: The ability to be able to dye weapons, it was possible a very long time ago i think and could be brought back possibly. Maybe something like metallic colours and such.

-Quick change set: I had this problem constantly on European server. We should have 6 quick change slots not 5. This is because one is required for PvE, then a defence and damage one for 1h and then a defence and damage one for 2h.

-Oracles: Patch the cool down on the absorbtion Oracle of Amethyst skill i believe it is called. The duration of the skill is 30 seconds and cool down is also 30 seconds, this is highly broken and can be spammed to cause you to be almost invincible. Oracle players who know how to use all resources of their class can have 30k cure + 40k absorb if that's not broken i don't know what is.

That's about all i can think of at the moment but i'm sure there are more thing's that will come to mind ^^
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Oct 20, 2016

Guild vs Guild: This could be possible with the open-world PvP system, at least to some degree. The plan would be to make everyone hostile to each other unless they were in a party (or raid).

Player vs Player: This is more difficult as it would be completely new and we would have to look into it. More likely we will holding duel-style events as we get more people involved.

Purge Event: With the open world PvP concept we're thinking of everyone outside of a party or raid would be hostile to each other if they're opted-in for PvP. We may consider a reward system to encourage PvP, but that wouldn't be until late Summer-Winter at the soonest.

Alliance Sanctuary: This probably isn't possible as the sanctuary is specifically leveled and controlled by Guild Level. We can look into it, but I don't think it's likely.

Sky Island Apartments: We're looking to expanding housing, however Apartments are more difficult to deal with than land plots. Truthfully your best option is to go with a landplot, rather than a Secret Apartment. We will however be increasing the amount of items and furniture for larger land plots, and probably the secret apartment.

Battleground: This is something we're going to look into, however it will be a while before we can get to it as we want to do more with the base game to start with.

Egg Booster: If we were to add this, it would not be a cheap item as it essentially turns into Pay-to-Win. We would need to poll the active community before it is added, and it would probably only double or triple egg touches for a period of time.

Replacement: This may be something we look into, however we will need to poll the community.

Quick Change Set: We can look into this, however it depends on how difficult it is.

Oracle / Class Balancing: We will likely look into balancing all classes at some point, however this is a larger undertaking and may take a while and will not be top priority to start with.

I normally wait 1-2 weeks to start adding things to our task list for suggestions so that we can get some feedback from other users. If anyone has any suggestions relating to the above, or improvements post them here and I will go over them.
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