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What does dragon God’s essence do?


Oct 20, 2016
I noticed that as well and was wondering, cant possibly imagine anything could be worth that much, filed it alongside the insignia candy king egg that would take 12 years (napkin math?) to unlock as "weird shit nobody ever thought about too hard".

Candy King egg is because we had a lot of people making demands that I put all the Dragons for free on the shell shop... While they were actively abusing alts to farm shells.

And everyone loves Candy King.

It’s listed in the marketplace for 18,000 but I have no idea what it does :/


It's a typo, as it just sets your character to 108. It was originally added through the package system (which is why it doesn't show a description) but I will fix that for a coming update.

Basically we were getting demands prior to the EU shut down so people didn't have to level (and this already existed in a similar form) so we ended up adding it for people who wanted to whale. It's priced because no one should honestly need it but some people are lazy.
