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Suggestion Planned Pets buyable for Housing Zone?

May 15, 2020
Do you think Buyable pets could be buyed into Shop, and placed after into the Housing Zone?
Like they would be able to walk free arrount into it?

The Idea came across as I has seen the Guild Room cat whos walking freely arround.

Was würdet Ihr von Kaufbaren Haustieren halten welche frei in der eigenen Housing Zone herumlaufen könnten nach Platzierung?
Beispielsweise gibt es solch eine Katze im Heiligtum welche dort frei herumlaufen tut, die Idee auf das eigene Grundstück bezogen, würde vielleicht etwas her machen.
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Oct 20, 2016
There are plans to make items similar to the Dragon Pedestal so that you can set your Dragons to be scripted for certain animations.

Custom housing also gets scripted NPC (with restrictions).

Otherwise it isn't possible to do due to limitations of how DP is designed.
May 15, 2020
There are plans to make items similar to the Dragon Pedestal so that you can set your Dragons to be scripted for certain animations.

Custom housing also gets scripted NPC (with restrictions).

Otherwise it isn't possible to do due to limitations of how DP is designed.
That Sound awesome, like a Scripted Sleep or Dance Animation. Totally going to like that!
