What's new


  1. Seiichi

    Dragon's Prophet Weekly Maintenance 05/18/2022

    We will be having our weekly routine maintenance at 7 PM PST Monday evening. During the maintenance we will be doing the following: Added new versions of eggs for Brasten Ouram, Raybin, Ansu and Purintor Added packages for previously mentioned Brastens Both of these changes will be tested and...
  2. Seiichi

    Custom Title Sale 7/15/2022

    Custom Titles (and secondary titles) will be available for purchase until Sunday at 11:59 PM PST. Custom Titles will be added during maintenance the following month (usually the first or second week).
  3. Seiichi

    Alstromera available until 7/15/22

    Alstromera will be available for this week until Friday (7/15) at 11:59PM Pacific. This will be the last chance to buy these Dragons until Black Friday or next year.
  4. Seiichi

    Developer Update File system changes and backwards compatibility

    Since the last development update, Dragon has been working hard on redesigning the file system. We originally had planned against this but after running into an issue with one of our final tasks found it was unavoidable, and that we would need to start from the ground up. Here are the points we...
  5. Seiichi

    Dragon Preview Amaguq, the Frostborn Predator

    Amaguq is a new Dragon by @Aiden based off of Zios, though some of the armor has been removed. The name comes from the Inuit god of the same name as it is a wolf god, and also the god of Tricksters. This originally started as an act of science to prepare the model for another concept, but ended...
  6. Seiichi

    Dragon Preview Introducing: Xaphan, the Immolator

    Xaphan is a continuation of the theme we used for Samael where we would select certain models and design them around either a fallen angel or demon. In this specific case we chose Xaphan, the fallen angel who chose to light Heaven on fire before his fall. For future Dragons in this series we may...
  7. Seiichi

    Developer Update 5 Year Anniversary Update

    There isn't much new from the last update other than that we tracked down and resolved the root cause(s) for item stat generation for normal gear and dragon gear. We are currently weighing the pros and cons of overhauling the way that the Dragon's Prophet client accesses files and how the data...
  8. Seiichi

    Announcement Valentines & Chinese New Year event delayed till 2/21/2022

    Because I was busy working out bugs on the large patch that is coming soon, I completely forgot to enable the Chinese New Year and Valentine event. I have enabled them now, but they will not be active until next Monday after maintenance and I will run the noodle event for two weeks for the...
  9. Seiichi

    Dragon Preview Introducing: Amora, the Osiran Cupid

    Amora is the pink valentine pillow that we have been getting requests for for years. Originally we had planned to overhaul the base texture to make it closer to the Whirlmoon texture, but due to time constraints we are going to look at doing that later this year. Players who have Amora will get...
  10. Seiichi

    Dragon Preview Introducing: Sha Ting, the Divine Storm

    Sha Ting is the final of the four new Chiense Dragons that are being added to Dragon's Prophet. This dragon was a byproduct of @Aiden experimenting and we ended up really liking the direction it was going, and decided to refine it and add it to the game. Sha Ting originally was going to be a...
  11. Seiichi

    Dragon Preview Introducing: Luo Yi, the Twilight Eclipse

    Luo Yi is the third of the four new Chinese Dragons that are coming to Dragon's Prophet. This is another original concept by @Vipera for the skateboard merchandise and was designed with being the opposite of Yan Yu, the Cosmic Emperor. Where Yan Yu represents deep space and the night sky, Luo Yi...
  12. Seiichi

    Dragon Preview Introducing: Ao Pu, the Karmic Judge

    Ao Pu is the second of the four new Chinese Dragons that are coming to Dragon's Prophet. This is an original concept of @Aiden that was done to be opposite of Chi Fu and was meant to have a theme of holiness, light and purity. This also served as a test for playing around with making opalescent...
  13. Seiichi

    Dragon Preview Introducing: Chi Fu, the Demon of Entropy

    Chi Fu is the first of the four new Chinese Dragons that are coming to Dragon's Prophet. The original concept was done by @Vipera for the skateboard merchandise and then textured by @Aiden. This dragon uses the same base as Yan Yu and Zuo Ran and is meant to take the place of the black and red...
  14. Seiichi

    30% Dragon's Prophet Diamond Bonus Weekend 02/04-02/06

    We are having another 30% Diamond Bonus weekend starting tonight and ending Sunday at 11:59 PST. You can purchase Diamonds here.
  15. Seiichi

    50% Dragon's Prophet Diamond Bonus Weekend 01/21-01/23

    We are having another 50% Diamond Bonus weekend starting tonight and ending Sunday at 11:59 PST. You can purchase Diamonds here.
  16. Seiichi

    30% Dragon's Prophet Diamond Bonus Weekend 1/7-1/9

    We are having another 30% Diamond Bonus weekend starting tonight and ending Sunday at 11:59 PST. You can purchase Diamonds here.
  17. Seiichi

    Developer Update New Years Update & Upcoming Plans

    Happy new years, and here is to hoping that 2022 isn't as plagued with delays and problems as 2021 was. After a brief break for the Holidays, Dragon and I will be tackling the current issues preventing the source update, and hopefully will be opening up the beta to all players so we have a...
  18. Seiichi

    Announcement Potential Network Maintenance

    There may be some potential downtime due to network maintenance by one of the upstream providers for the data center tonight between 10 PM to 4 AM Pacific. This may not effect us, but I figured I would give people a heads up anyways. The maintenance would be very quick, but I am giving a larger...
  19. Seiichi

    50% Dragon's Prophet Diamond Bonus Weekend 12/23-12/26

    We are having another 50% Diamond Bonus weekend starting tonight and ending Sunday at 11:59 PST. You can purchase Diamonds here. The news background is done by @Predagirl.
  20. Seiichi

    Announcement Clarifications of rules regarding Territory War

    Because this has been a problem off and on, and bad actors have attempted to bypass and co-opt the rules for their own purposes I am going to be clarifying them officially. Island limit per alliance We use the Dominion limit shown in the alliance UI for the limit, which is currently set to...
