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bug report

  1. Nnell

    Bug Report Solved Problems with the Auction House

    Hi, I have a problem with the Auction House. When I try to open it I can't see any item players want to sell. Can you do something about it?
  2. Sterben

    Bug Report Solved RG, Dragon did not appear

    at the end of the dungeon of when the dragon was supposed to appear when reviewing the dun the dragon was not
  3. Koza

    Bug Report Solved NPC missed

    NPC disappeared on the islands. I don't see a bank or market. It's not going to territory and quests on the islands. He worked normally yesterday :(
  4. q00120191

    Bug Report Solved Unfinished main task "Norden Kingdom's Dilemma"

    管理員您好,我遇到了一個有問題的BUG 任務無法獲得“火元素核心”和“風元素 核”物品附上任務提示和操作結果照片 實際上最重要的不是我做的因為不完成它的 燃燒任務我可以選擇不完成元素凝聚瓶”不能被撤掉 它會佔用我的空位
  5. Lingerie

    Bug Report Solved World Wide Attacks on Server (Service Provider)

    I post this here - as the subject could become a problem. I just read an article issued by the Federal Cyber Security Authority, Germany who has changed the severity of server attacks from Orange to red. As far as I understand it, the problem lies within the library of Java Software = the weak...
  6. trendy0911

    Bug Report Solved Broken picture

  7. trendy0911

    Bug Report Solved Stuck interface 92% unable to log in

    Stuck interface 92% unable to log in ID Yadi
  8. Nnell

    Bug Report Solved Problem with installing the launcher

    Hi, I downloaded the game and then tried to install it, but after a while I got a problem. I already downloaded it three times and tried several times to run the launcher, but it keeps saying the same thing. What can I do?
  9. D

    Bug Report Solved Screen turns dark before bosses in some dungeons

    Hello this happened to me this week that in some dungeons, when it comes to the final battle with the boss, the screen cuts and suddenly goes black. The game continues, the audio works normally, but you can't continue because can't see because of the sudden black screen. Specifically, it...
  10. ekenhawk

    Bug Report Solved caring eggs bug?

    300+ eggs in the house for care but when people dance they get number of eggs below 300.. and sometime they even get 0 eggs when dance.... any idea wat happen?
  11. K

    Bug Report Solved Channels do not exist when porting to Arteicia

    When using the 'Port to Arteicia'-Button in the character selection you get ported to Arteicia, but no channel is applied. So the game says you are at channel X but you can see every player from every channel and everyone can see you. 1. Situation: While standing in the egg circle on channel 1...
  12. paul parsons

    Bug Report Solved on sign in all i see is username and a few dots nothing else how do i fix it

    when i go to sign in all i see is username and below it a few dots how do i fix it
  13. C

    Bug Report Solved 關於購買JP專用禮包

  14. trendy0911

    Bug Report Solved Stuck point

    卡點 id yadi Stuck in the reading screen, unable to enter the game, other characters are normal
  15. Dryadia

    Bug Report Solved Savarkin black edge showing glitch

    there is a black edge showing on Savarkin dragon (also on the Savarkin from 'hold the fort' island PE)
  16. q00120191

    Bug Report Solved A Dragn Dod Masteries bug

    My Dragn Dod Masteries first skills (bazaka ,piersar....anything) no effect not just visual, attach picture Test this is no skill this is have skill
  17. Darisha

    Bug Report Solved Problem with the installation

    Hey together, after i downloaded the Client from the Page and running the Launcher i got a problem while it was installing. I don't know how i can fix that ;-; Any Ideas?
  18. Dryadia

    Bug Report Light color version of Ebony Thorn missing from my dragon chamber

    Here is proof that i had the light colored version of Ebony Thorn. But it's not in my dragon chamber anymore, it somehow disappeared. I know of 2 other people who also had it, and it's not in their dragon chamber either. Please see if it can be re-implemented in game. Thank you.
  19. Kazunokun

    Bug Report Elemental Res buff for full laedis disappearing every now and then

    So this is a pretty minor thing as it only happens every minute or so for like a second at a time, but the 7 piece set effect for ele Res from the Laedis 102 set seems to disappear. I can't confirm if it really does disappear or if the UI just doesn't catch up with the stats in game when the...
  20. Ruhloser

    Forumanzeigen - Datum und Weiterleitung nicht korrekt / Forum ads - date and forwarding incorrect

    Hallo Seichii ^^ German: Ich weiß nicht was ihr da gemacht habt aber seit der Umstellung / Neugestaltung dieses Forums komm ich mir irgendwie veralbert vor (nicht bös gemeint) ! Da geht man auf einen Beitrag , der einen interessiert - mit Datum vom selben Tag oder einem Tag zuvor und wird dann...
