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bug report

  1. HalKal

    Bug Report Solved Ship to Bakra deck not working

    I've just taken the ship from Paeon Farm to Bakra and when I stepped onto the ship I went right through the deck and into the bottom. I had to perform a couple double-jumps to get up onto the front portion of the deck that was working in order to get off the ship.
  2. Eggshell

    Bug Report Solved Names of exclusive dragons

    Hello GMs and hello all, it is very annoying for players that don't use the English language that there are the following problems with the missing names of the exclusive dragons: 1. No names on gacha in diamond store, so you always have to shut down game, change language rstart launcher, buy...
  3. Mario1980

    Bug Report Solved Item name and description are missing for some

    Is it normal that some items have no name and no description, both in the diamond shop and afterwards in the marketplace backpack. Particularly noticeable is the missing name and description on the offer page in the diamonds shop. I suspect that there could also be dragons but it would be nice...
  4. Mario1980

    Bug Report Solved Dragon Championship NPC shows wrong Information

    Hi there, I noticed that the championship NPC does not show the correct time for the registration of the Dragon championship in Arteica. As an example, the NPC yesterday indicated the time for Wednesday 2 p.m., but yesterday was Thursday and in Germany it was 11 p.m. when the registration...
  5. Ruhloser

    Bug Report Solved Character recreation issue

    Hallo Freunde ^^ Ich habe folgenes Problem ! Wenn ich meinen 6. und damit letzten Charakterplatz nutzen will geht es nicht richtig ! Es ist nun zum 2. mal hintereinander das sich das Spiel aufhängt wenn die "Einführungs-Quest" zu den "Käfermanipulatoren" kommt ! Quest : besiege 3...
  6. Eggshell

    Bug Report Solved Missing Dragon family description at Tournament manager

    Looking at todays info at tournament manager displays family as follows "DRAGONBOOK_TYPE_00". Is it for the quick possible to get an answer which family is meant and for future fill proper description please. Thanks a lot in advance
  7. S

    Bug Report Solved Ping Ausbrüche und Verbindungsprobleme

    Hey, ich habe komischerweise immer am Wochenende ab und an Pingausbrüche und häufiger fliege ich vom Server. Dies ist das 3. mal in Folge. Obwohl ich laut dieser Ping-Statistik keinen Verlust habe. An was könnten die Probleme liegen? Gruß Samok
  8. Seiichi

    Bug Report Solved Dragon Textures Missing

    Some exclusive Dragon textures are 'missing' because we were changing to one naming convention for textures, and the index that points to the texture was not updated. We will be fixing this, but it takes about a week to build the patch file for textures so they will be temporarily broken.
  9. HalKal

    Bug Report Solved Corzine Affluent Aristocrat and Wealthy Villager can't be killed

    I've encountered 2 Affluent Aristocrats in Corzine that I'm only able to kill if I one-shot kill them. Otherwise, they run around still attacking while my attacks do nothing to them. They do this for a couple seconds and then run off and disappear. This isn't an issue that's really affecting...
  10. Ruhloser

    Bug Report Solved Marktplatz-Item Drachenessenz-Extraktor defekt ?

    Hallo zusammen ^^ Ich habe folgenes Problem mit dem Marktplatzitem Drachenessenz-Extraktor ! Dieses Item ist doch dafür da , das man die gesammelten Skill-Exp von einem Skill auf ein anderen Skill des selben Drachen übertragen kann !!! Mit anderen Worten , wenn ich einen Skill hab (in meinem...
  11. A

    Bug Report Solved ständiges ausloggen

    Sind die Serverprobleme immer noch, da ich auch in der Säule oder der Insel ausgeloggt wurde ich nicht gut zu finden, wenn man einen Bereich gut erreicht hat. Ist dafür bald eine Lösung in reichweite
  12. J

    Bug Report Solved New patch download failed

  13. J

    Bug Report Solved system error

    Dragon Prophet無法登錄。出現錯誤代碼。如何解決。
  14. Corv

    Bug Report Fortunate Potion Buff; Temp-Negation (Low)

    Bug: Disagreement between the Fortunate Potion buff and the Character Selection option from the menu. Severity: Low Description: When the drop buff from a Fortunate Potion is active, the drop rate goes up as expected. However, if a user logs their character out via the Character Select option...
  15. Techmox

    Bug Report Styx Skeleton Wings bug

    Just a weird bug... When I activate Styx Skeleton wings effect and I have other normal wings on cape costume I can have 2 wings in the same time. But When I wear Schax Tech Energy Pack and activate styx skeleton wings, the pack disappears. Other cape costumes doesn't disappear. Why? There is any...
