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bug report

  1. N

    Bug Report Solved Opening map fps drops

    Once i open the game map my dps drops from 60+ to 1-2 fps. checking task manger if anything is really high but everything was normal. everything updated on my PC. PC specs- 16gb ram I5-8500 3GHZ GPU- 1650 Super 4gb Asus would like to get any help on this, thank you~
  2. M

    Bug Report Guardian 2Hand Bazaka Blade Dance

    Using <Slash> while in <Frantic> status will trigger <Blade Dance> I notice Blade dance does not trigger during the last 5 seconds of Frantic status. Potential bug?
  3. Sterben

    Bug Report Solved equipment stars

    I don't know if its a bug or maybe I did something wrong but when you had all the stars in the equipment it was supposed to shine
  4. Y

    Bug Report Iols and ironhides

    so we got told to use ironhides mounted combat draconic soulbound and lava shield when doing towers in iols. but they wont poof. is ironhides the faulth of that ?
  5. Y

    Bug Report Solved Nuclear of times fps drop

    does not happen to me in other dungeons. but NoT is allmost unplay able
  6. Y

    Bug Report Solved war event on isle´s

    are they not working or am i doing something wrong
  7. SpaceBroom

    Bug Report Solved D3DC file not found

    Hello :) I have the problem that, although I've already followed this post: Missing D3DCompiler_43.dll or other DLL and installed both of the links, I still get the error message that the file "D3DCOMPILER:43.dll" is missing, and I don't know what else I can do. I had to reinstall DP and never...
  8. Luatan

    Bug Report Solved Title for Midnight Massacre is gone

    While scrolling through the titles, I realized that the title of Midnight Massacre is missing. I know that I got the title when I captured it. Others still seem to have the title. I guess its a bug with my char. I already tested to reegg the dragon with an instant egg, but it didnt work. As...
  9. HalKal

    Bug Report Solved Strengthen the Magic Circles

    Anyone else having an issue completing this quest, "Strengthening the Magic Circles", in Thadrea - Silt Marsh? I've tried multiple times, and I'm sure I have the circle location as it's the only other spot in Silt Marsh with these vertical poles in a circle like this. The other 2 spots I found...
  10. HalKal

    Bug Report Solved HELP!! Dragon just disappeared from my stable

    I just leveled my Flaming Fin to lvl 100 and was about to evolve it. When I opened the Evolution window the dragon just disappeared from my stable. Now, it's gone. All that work for nothing. Please, help!
  11. Mario1980

    Bug Report Solved Unable to finish Achievement

    gains a reputation in Olandra from1500 for End of the Northern Continut. 4 Points left to finish for Title. I dont get Points for Hidden Quest, Daylies, Events, Dungeons or Map Boss. i hope someone can tell me what is going wrong there.
  12. HalKal

    Bug Report Solved Unable to send Friendship Gift to some friends

    I'm not sure why, but about a week ago I started getting an Unable to send gift error when trying to send gifts to a specific friend. Now, I'm getting the error for multiple friends. I get a different error, but similar when sending a marketplace gift. The first screenshot below is sending a...
  13. Luatan

    Bug Report Oracle: Dragon Spell Blade / Natural Proliferation

    The description of the Dragon Spell Blade / Natural Proliferation on the oracle is wrong. It should say: "Permanently gives you +5,5% +220 points of...".
  14. elifkoc

    Bug Report Solved Marketplace bug again

    i did buy transform viridias 3600dias didnt get :(
  15. elifkoc

    Bug Report Solved Market Bug (where is my dias)

    i did buy james brown 1 day 600dias but i cant find marketplace backpack & mail & bank
  16. Kazunokun

    Bug Report Solved Sorthina reward chest being buggy

    the sorthina reward chest is kinda bugged, i ran it with 2 other people just now and only one of us could get the loot every round eventhough the party was on round robin (it was the whole time, we didn't switch it at any point). It happened twice and the one who was the only one to see all of...
  17. H

    Bug Report Solved Dragon too weak for its level

    Hi, I have a bit of trouble with my dragon. It is level 100 and attribute points are given but it can't take any damage and can't deal any damage as well. In comparison my other char has no trouble with the dragons even if they have a lower level. Do you have any idea why that is? And would it...
  18. N

    Bug Report Solved More then one Bug

    Hi, I want to report more then one Bug, that my Friends and I encounter. One was, when my Friend teleported to another Region, the Sound of the whole Game went off und all her Skills got deleted. Another Bug is that I cant open the Dragon Evolutions Window, when i oben the Lair Window and...
  19. Luatan

    Bug Report Solved Description of Midnight Massacre

    Its just a small text error, but I thought I just report it for the sake of it: In the description of Midnight Massacre in the Dragon Compendium, is Racmon Grotto written as Racman Grotto.
  20. Snake Pest

    Random ui closing

    (i hope this is what you meant by making a bug report and not a ticket seiichi) Since it still seems to happen at the same way i will just paste what i wrote here before, but one thing ive seen is this doesnt seem to be happening with quest NPCs recently (around 2-3 weeks now) almost every...
