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  1. D

    Suggestion Planned Dragon Equip stat/overstate able and button for sell gray/green Equipment

    Hello, i want to talk about two things that disturb me. First: Dragon Equip Should be Stat/overstate able. Its hard to find a good Equipment with 3 high stats that the dragon need. Then crafting purple/orange should be worth it. Second: Merchants have the option to sell gray items. That a a...
  2. Dark Harvest

    Dark Harvest

  3. Lady Vox

    Lady Vox

  4. Sha Ting

    Sha Ting

  5. Chi Fu

    Chi Fu

  6. Sterben

    Bug Report Solved RG, Dragon did not appear

    at the end of the dungeon of when the dragon was supposed to appear when reviewing the dun the dragon was not
  7. GM event

    GM event

  8. GM event

    GM event

  9. Experimental Mech Dragon

    Experimental Mech Dragon

  10. Metron



    Bug Report Solved increased Dragon texture quality

    Hey, while the increased Dragon texture quality really looks nice and is an improvement for almost every dragon, it still seems to cause annoying lags, especially in dragon arena. guess some ppl will have problems in the upcoming tournaments :confused:
  12. F

    Dragon X Bonus Rate on Dragons

    How big of a difference does the X Bonus Rate on dragons actually make for a max level dragon? EX: I just rejoined the game. Got all of those little rewards to signing up and all that. It gave me Soul Guide, who is a STR based dragon. He got a 6.00 attribute bonus and a 6.96 constitution bonus...
  13. Lingerie

    New Server / Ref. Dragon Mastery / GM Event

    For European Players (others might be effected as well, as it concerns the new server time) will todays GM event start 1 hour LATER, i.e. 24.10. @ 1:00 am (UK 23.10 @ Midnight)? I ask because of the Dragon Mastery problem and that the fix will be tried by Seiichi @ next maintenance, i.e...
  14. Ruhloser

    Neue Zeit für Beginn der Drachenmeisterschafft / New time for the beginning of the dragon mastery

    Hallo Seiichi , hallo Freunde ^^ German: Wie ich gestern feststellte wurden die Zeiten für Refresch (Server) und Drachenmeisterschafft um eine Stunde nach hinten verschoben ! Demnach beginnen die Vorbereitungen zur DM hier in Europa nicht wie gehabt um 23:00h sondern erst um 0:00h . Das ist...
  15. Seiichi

    Announcement Dragon Tournament time change

    Due to the server change, Dragon Tournament will now happen a hour later (3PM Pacific).
  16. Seiichi

    30% Dragon's Prophet Diamond Bonus Weekend 10/15-10/17

    We are having another 30% Diamond Bonus weekend starting tonight and ending Monday at 11:59 AM CET.
  17. Dryadia

    Bug Report Light color version of Ebony Thorn missing from my dragon chamber

    Here is proof that i had the light colored version of Ebony Thorn. But it's not in my dragon chamber anymore, it somehow disappeared. I know of 2 other people who also had it, and it's not in their dragon chamber either. Please see if it can be re-implemented in game. Thank you.
  18. Seiichi

    50% Dragon's Prophet Diamond Bonus Weekend 10/01-10/03

    We are having another 50% Diamond Bonus weekend starting tonight and ending Sunday at 11:59 AM PST. You can purchase Diamonds here.
  19. kingovscots

    Dragon Riding Equipment

    I would like to know what stats are best on dragon riding equipment for doing dungeons, either mounted or not, to boost its protection or damage I have never really looked into this so I just put anything on, but I would love to know more on what is best on the dragon?
  20. Dragon's Prophet

    Dragon's Prophet
