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Christmas Reward Streaks

Hi all! I was just wondering if the 7, 14, 21, 28 day streaks on the reward calendar are exclusive to the days itself? I'm a returning player for DP but when I saw that there was going to be a reward calendar I was quite happy to partake. Initially I thought it was in-game and missed the website reward collection on the 1st of Dec. Now that its the 8th of December, I realised that the 7 day streaks are exclusive to the dates itself. Is that meant to be the case? If so, may I know what was the streak reward given out on the 7th?


Oct 20, 2016
Honestly... Streak Rewards are going to be rewarding the bulk of the rewards.

7 Day streak included: 300 Credits, a seasonal badge (we will be building out the badge system around the new year) and unlocked title.

If you logged in but didn't redeem the login reward you should be fine. However, if you miss a daily login you will lose the ability to get all the streak rewards.
Honestly... Streak Rewards are going to be rewarding the bulk of the rewards.

7 Day streak included: 300 Credits, a seasonal badge (we will be building out the badge system around the new year) and unlocked title.

If you logged in but didn't redeem the login reward you should be fine. However, if you miss a daily login you will lose the ability to get all the streak rewards.
That's kinda sad but thank you for the prompt reply :)
