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Dragon Conversion Wishlist


Oct 20, 2016
This thread is a place where you can post dragons that are available as NPC, and that you wish to obtain as an actual Dragon later on in game.

Things such as Doom Dragons, Lokfear, the Corrupted Raptor in Juno Crystal Gallery aren't options either because of different bone structures, or bugs.

Corrupted Dragons, as long as they have a relatively standard Dragon model, are possible but will require some model changes which will make them less important to being added.

The name is required, or the location for Dragons without names.
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May 15, 2020
What about "Handras the indigo fog" itself as tameable fabled ancient? That one also has cool looks


May 12, 2020
Probably not going to happen since it doesn’t fit with any current dragon family’s, but Ciern


May 29, 2020
I would like to add a dragon to the list: The Screechgullet (Boss from Dungeon Ironwing Lair - Olandra). It should fit onto the same Bone Model as the Ironwing Dragons and we do lack fancy skytouched :3


May 29, 2020
What about Monocano from Wintertide? He has the exact same model as other mythical familly dragons, just has two eyes instead of four, but it shouldn't be an issue. We could use a horse that isn't actually an alien xD. Same about the npc nameless white horses, also present in Wintertide.


Apr 2, 2021
Could it be possible to add the following:
- Tyrannical Shadow Dragon King (Ash Catacombs in Puretia)
- Subject18 (Cyporf Experimental Field in Puretia)
- Foster (Silver dragon Festival)
- Fafnir (i think Wintertide?)
I'm rusty on my knowledge of which dragon is already available or not, so i'm not sure about the last two of this list


Jul 27, 2017
Hi there! I would like to humbly request that this Skytouched dragon from the Unannounced Threat PE in Thadrea become obtainable in some way please! View attachment 2118
I second this one! I've always loved this dragon and so disappointed you couldn't capture it. This might have been said before, but I also like the dragons inside DHT.


Aug 15, 2022
This thread is a place where you can post dragons that are available as NPC, and that you wish to obtain as an actual Dragon later on in game.

Things such as Doom Dragons, Lokfear, the Corrupted Raptor in Juno Crystal Gallery aren't options either because of different bone structures, or bugs.

Corrupted Dragons, as long as they have a relatively standard Dragon model, are possible but will require some model changes which will make them less important to being added.

The name is required, or the location for Dragons without names.
Not sure if this would be possible, what about Zekriloth (or his sons) since they have what appears to be the Razorspine model or more like Iciclaws, Red lotus and such. They're not tamable currently but they are found around Bladeguard Relique and in the dungeon of the same name in Porthis. I'd kill to have any of those, mostly cause the "forgotten son" has such a chunky neck he reminds me of a bearded dragon lmao.


The Sparkle Mom
Jan 13, 2018
Not sure if this would be possible, what about Zekriloth (or his sons) since they have what appears to be the Razorspine model or more like Iciclaws, Red lotus and such. They're not tamable currently but they are found around Bladeguard Relique and in the dungeon of the same name in Porthis. I'd kill to have any of those, mostly cause the "forgotten son" has such a chunky neck he reminds me of a bearded dragon lmao.
To try and explain this a little more, NPC dragons and player dragons share a difference in their rigs that stops NPC ones from being rideable. The player dragon rigs have a mount bone - a joint on the rig that tells the game where on the model to attach the player's character to when riding. NPC dragon rigs are missing this mount bone entirely, and until we can successfully import custom rigs & models, its something that likely can't be changed at this time.

However, if an NPC dragon uses a model that's completely identical to a player-rideable version, then its texture(s) should be swapable regardless of what rig its using. More specifically, both the dragon's model and UV map layout must be identical for the textures to appear correctly. Having an identical model means that a look-alike copy of the NPC dragon potentially could be made using a player version by loading the NPC dragon's texture on it, though the NPC versions themselves would still be untameable.

To answer about the razorspines you mentioned, Zekriloth's Lost Son, Zekriloth's Son (both kinds), and Zekriloth himself looks to use a model that doesn't have a player rideable version and so probably won't work as a texture swap, though Zekriloth's Descendant that roam near the PE/Lost Son should be useable. That is, according to the extent of my knowledge anyway lol.
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Omg I wanted to post a thread about it, and found this one!!

Sooo my wish is to see Frost Fist in game, it is because of him that I wanted to farm Whispering Cloudstrider Dragons, but yet they don't look exactly like Frost Fist because they don't have saber teeth.
If need to find it's location, see the map I've added at the end.


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