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Bug Report Friend showing as "offline"

Hello, me and my friend have been trying to play together. But while ingame, he's online, but in my friend's list it says he's "offline", and it says the same thing on his end. Plus, we can't physically "see" each other ingame even though we're both online, AND on the same channel. Is this a glitch? If so, how can it be fixed? Please help. (Is this happening to anyone else, or is it just me and my friend?)
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Jun 19, 2020
If the cache does not solve the problem, you can un-friend him and friend him again. This one works ( Although the problem can occur with the suspiciously exactly same people regularly.)

You lose friend points but since they are free...
Also if you have befriended him and he deleted you (probably accidentally), you still have him in your list but he will always be offline in your list.
That's not related to this glitch. Neither of us did that. On most times, it shows we're both online, and can physically see each other. But when ever it does happen, (even though we're both online, and ingame) It shows we're offline on each other's end, and can not physically see each other even if we're on the same channel. So this doesn't happen all the time, but sometimes it does and I don't know why.
