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Hi & Ready to Try NA Again!


Jun 12, 2017
Hello everyone! I am a returning player who was very sad when the other NA shut down a couple years ago. I started playing after Beta, so was never able to start in Siberna/Bakra zone. I'm excited to see it all and thrilled to be back.

Also, thank you for the generous welcome pack, Seiichi, and all the server megaphones too. I like to see active worldchat. :)

See you in game!
Kidora & Midori


Oct 20, 2016
Hello everyone! I am a returning player who was very sad when the other NA shut down a couple years ago. I started playing after Beta, so was never able to start in Siberna/Bakra zone. I'm excited to see it all and thrilled to be back.

Also, thank you for the generous welcome pack, Seiichi, and all the server megaphones too. I like to see active worldchat. :)

See you in game!
Kidora & Midori
Welcome to the server!

Our main goal currently is to try to get back some of the original Dragon's Prophet magic (original storyline, original zones) but also to bring our own twist to the game by expanding or modifying functionality of existing mechanics (Dragon's and PvP). You can read about some of the things that have been suggested, or talked about in the Bug Reports & Suggestions forum.

I honestly don't think world chat should ever be paid for as all that does is put a limit to how people socialize. As long as people don't abuse the world chat by being obnoxious or arguing there shouldn't ever be an issue with the megaphones as they are.


Jun 14, 2017
Welcome Back Kidora !!! I also played NA and was stunned when they shut down. A LOT of time and money went into it ;-/ But on the bright side, this is a great place so far. Great people and great staff. I have only been here a few day but the people "and" staff have been Great so far. Anyways, welcome back and hope to see ya in-game ;-))


Oct 17, 2016
Welcome to the server!

Hope you have fun and enjoy what this server has to offer. :)


May 10, 2017
welcome to the server! everything here is amazing, looking for a guild, Defiant is always looking for people, ask for help everyones super helpful on the server <3

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