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If You Have Low FPS Try This


Dec 3, 2016
If you got same problems as many others do in DP with low FPS and in other games your getting 30+ FPS with everything on High or even Ultra.

Then you might wanna try this.

Go to your Dragon's Prophet folder and open that, now find a file called "config.ini", open that and scroll down to where it says "[Graphics]"

Now try use these settings:

DoodadDensity = 0
LockedFps = 180
ObjVisibilityFactor = 0.500000
LightingQuality = 0
SSAO = 0
DoodadDistance = 0.000000
ShadowDistance = 1
ShadowDetail = 0
UnderWater = 0.000000
WorlObjDetail = 1
SkinFX = 0
SelectionQuality = 0
Glow = 0
Bloom = 0
CloudQuality = 1
FXAA = 0
LightingDistance = 2
ViewDistanceFactor = 0.250000
VisualQuality = 3
TemporalAA = 0
WorldObjDetail = 1
SkeletonDistanceFactor = 0.000000
Anisotropy = 0
MaxTextureLOD = 0
FXQuality = 0
DoodadShaderQuality = 1
OptimalDisplayArea = 2073600.000000
DOF = 0
VSync = 0
GraphicsQuality = 7
ShaderQuality = 1
ShadowQuality = 1
TerrainShaderQuality = 1
VolumeLightQuality = 0

It might give you a boost of FPS ingame, it sure did to me

If you dont like to edit any of your files, you can also do this ingame, by setting everything down to 0 or 1, then slowly increase settings to what best for you.

I hope this will help your ingame FPS and makes you enjoy the game more.
Apr 4, 2017
Oh awesome, thank you, I'll probably have to give this a shot. My system will sometimes freeze up, so I'm not sure if this was the issue or not hahahaa.

If you have anymore boss info, I will look forward to learning about it! :D Thank you.


Apr 30, 2017
Hey nice advice thx,

maybe another question, not about fps, but u got a hint to prevent game closes too :D?


Oct 19, 2016
Thanks for the fix, stable 30 fps connection with this replacing the graphical config i had. There's also no weird rubber-banding when doing dungeons or sprinting.
Thanks uni.
