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Aug 2, 2023
Hiya everyone -
In order to understand the game better i am looking for an answer in how the soul skill (SS) heals works. To be more precise, what you can do to up those numbers. Is it scaled with the stats of your dragons who has the SS? Or is it based on a stat from you character? ( in that case is ferocity bumping up the crit chance of that?) Or is it based on gear stats like healing power etc?
Currently i am noticing that those ss heals are not always healing me for same amount, but can't seem to figure out why.

Soul skills are based on your magic attack stat and healing power if it doesn't say otherwise.
The higher your stats the more you get healed - though the exact amount fluctuates somewhat, same with all skills not just healing skills.
Crit heals should work on healing skills restoring a flat number, never tested it since I mainly use HoT and those aren't affected by crits.
Also some healing skills share cooldown.
