I am starting all over, and I wasn't incredibly skilled the first play through. It has been a few years, and I doubt I will have gotten better at the game with no play time!
What are easy to attain dragons at the start?
Dragon recommendations to make early game play a little easier?
Tips for...
Hey all! I am about to be starting back up after years of not playing. Frankly, I don't remember much besides really enjoying myself. A few questions:
1. I remember there being an introductory play-through scenario. Am I misremembering? Does that still exist?
2. Any must-dos to set yourself up...
Hello! I am an American-based player who finally found the game again. I deleted the game years ago when I was too busy to play during college, and couldn't resist clicking on for a while when I saw the icon. I have on and off tried to find the game since graduating, and finally took to reddit...
Hello All Iam a, Old player here i want to buy The dropset From anyone but just he tell me
how match in gold or diamannd i will buy it from he/she .but he/she dont be cruell with me i know that more expensive and i can do effort to get him thanks to all...
First, I want to say that I don't know how to do all the games so if you know how to do a game I didn't cover please add.
They key to getting the coins is to complete the daily achievements for the events, not necessarily playing the games.
To see them press O, click on Event.
Dragon Hunt- My...
When I find the merchant from the road quest he doesn't show me his goods. This is the one usually has Napolite for sale among other things. My friend also has this problem. He says it won't come up for him either.
Hello !
I see that their is a few object in the shop that don't have a description and i was wondering what they give like the little orb / egg with a lot of color in the special offer section, and with this icon with a skull and a green backround for exemple ?
And second question, was give...
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