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dragon's prophet

  1. AlexHoll

    Bug Report Adept Started Pack

    The description says 999 items, but they only give out 99
  2. Nyteshade

    Joining Looking for a Guild

    Hello, I am asking for a group of 3 players. I play, my husband plays, and a friend. I have currently 2 active atls, Hubby will have a couple active atls, and Friend only has the one toon. We are looking for an active guild. We speak English and are playing in Eastern USA Time Zone and Central...
  3. EiskalterEngel

    Bug Report Island Bug?

    I just wanted to move into my house and my eggs, but I can't because the zone wouldn't be free for exploration oO. The whole island doesn't seem to exist, and there's nothing about the guild port either
  4. Seiichi

    50% Dragon's Prophet Diamond Bonus Weekend 5/11-5/13

    We are having another 50% Diamond Bonus weekend starting tonight and ending Sunday at 11:59 PST. You can purchase Diamonds here.
  5. Apocalyptic Prophet, Terrifying Demon

    Apocalyptic Prophet, Terrifying Demon

    Hello friends, I am Arlem, I played initially on the SOE servers, and kind of walked away after they shut down. I am returning. Anew, yes, sadly. But I am returning. Join me, and walk the Dream again.
  6. watson

    PLEASE FIX THIS PROBLEM. i cant play game

    i cant play game. Because it said that "this zone has not been actived yet". hy? fix it please. Thank Admin
  7. Alfa

    New old player !

    Hello, french player here ! I was a player of DP year before and i was really sad when the game close because I have a lot of memories and good moment in this game. I try to find way to play it but never found a real one until now ! I'm so happy to play again one of my favorite game. And...
  8. Seiichi

    30% Dragon's Prophet Diamond Bonus Weekend 4/26-4/28

    We are having another 30% Diamond Bonus weekend starting tonight and ending Sunday at 11:59 PST. You can purchase Diamonds here.
  9. Seiichi

    50% Dragon's Prophet Diamond Bonus Weekend 4/12-4/14

    We are having another 50% Diamond Bonus weekend starting tonight and ending Sunday at 11:59 PST. You can purchase Diamonds here.
  10. Corv

    Suggestion Dragon armor to fix a gross injustice.

    I know that we don't have the means to make custom meshes yet, but bear with me. You reading? Okay, okay. Check it out. This here is Hazul: People call it a horse (even outright in certain languages of the game) but... is it really? No, of course not. This is no mere horse as it is CLEARLY a...
  11. Seiichi

    30% Dragon's Prophet Diamond Bonus Weekend 3/29-3/31

    We are having another 30% Diamond Bonus weekend starting tonight and ending Sunday at 11:59 PST. You can purchase Diamonds here.
  12. Dryadia

    Suggestion Ostara Event

    Friendly reminder to implement Ostara Event in game. Thank you.
  13. Seiichi

    50% Dragon's Prophet Diamond Bonus Weekend 3/14-3/16

    We are having another 50% Diamond Bonus weekend starting tonight and ending Sunday at 11:59 PST. You can purchase Diamonds here.
  14. Dryadia

    Bug Report Forum login credit not working

    login credit not working since last night.
  15. uwuwoowooawoowoo

    Map FPS Drops

    Hello again! I read a thread that was posted a couple years ago, about the fps drops when opening the map. Has there been a recent fix for this? Or is this still being optimized?
  16. Nymbil

    Couple of questions

    Back to playing after a while away, and started a new character with a friend who has never played. I have realized I have forgotten a ton, so sorry for the silly questions. 1) How do you expand your stable/lair without using the expansion cards that come in the starter pack? I want to save...
  17. Nymbil

    Conquer "Fear" quest in Paeon Farm

    I am doing quests at Paeon Farm, and it has been a long while since I have done these. Alchemist Julie has a quest line involving the Fearsom Doom dragon. I am at the part where it says "add catalyst when producing ring of the fearless or another item" but catalyst is a market item. Do you have...
  18. uwuwoowooawoowoo

    Tool Tip Information

    Is there a permanent way to see where the tool tips that pop up, show at? Like a knowledge book, etc?
  19. Dryadia

    Suggestion Full Moon Festival

    Could we please get the Full Moon Festival event implemented? (cooking event in Artecia) Haven't had it for at least a couple years, and ppl need the titles. Thank you for your consideration.
  20. Seiichi

    30% Dragon's Prophet Diamond Bonus Weekend 03/01-03/03

    We are having another 30% Diamond Bonus weekend starting tonight and ending Sunday at 11:59 PST. You can purchase Diamonds here.
