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dragon's prophet

  1. L

    Bug Report Erreur lors d'une tentative de délier une arme

    Bonjour, je suis dans l’impossibilité de délier une arme niveau 108. Le message »une erreur est survenue pendant le déverrouillage »
  2. Seiichi

    50% Dragon's Prophet Diamond Bonus Weekend 10/20-10/22

    We are having another 50% Diamond Bonus weekend starting tonight and ending Sunday at 11:59 PST. You can purchase Diamonds here.
  3. DeltaFusion


    Is there a roadmap for the game by any chance? :)
  4. J

    Bug Report Game without audio

    Olá, sou brasileiro do Brasil e não falo inglês, (usando tradutor) Dito isto. Meu jogo não tem áudio, está 100% funcional, mas não tem áudio. Baixei a pasta do jogo, atualizei, mas não tem áudio. Alguém sabe como resolver isso?
  5. Dryadia

    Suggestion Halloween Marketplace items

    Would you please put Halloween furniture/decorations, costumes, weapon skins, etc. in Special Marketplace section? Thank you for your consideration.
  6. Seiichi

    30% Dragon's Prophet Diamond Bonus Weekend 10/6-10/8

    We are having another 30% Diamond Bonus weekend starting tonight and ending Sunday at 11:59 PST. You can purchase Diamonds here.
  7. heminyx

    Utyon in this version?

    Is there Utyon in this version of the game? It came out with Kyron on the EU servers.
  8. Dryadia

    Suggestion Styx Event

    Would you please implement Styx Event? Thank you.
  9. DeltaFusion

    Orange 105 set sorcerer

    Hi all, I hear some ppl saying that you need to go the DA set on sorecerer, other ppl are saying the intel set. Is there any sorcerer that want to discuss this with me? If you want to in private you can always add me ^^ Thanks
  10. Seiichi

    50% Dragon's Prophet Diamond Bonus Weekend 9/22-9/24

    We are having another 50% Diamond Bonus weekend starting tonight and ending Sunday at 11:59 PST. You can purchase Diamonds here.
  11. watson

    I still wait updates

    I'm still waiting for the update after many years. I still remember that time when the game planned big changes in the game such as changing skills, expanding features, adding maps,... but that time the update was unsuccessful. That time was 2 years ago, until now we still haven't been able to...
  12. A

    Soul skill healing

    Hiya everyone - In order to understand the game better i am looking for an answer in how the soul skill (SS) heals works. To be more precise, what you can do to up those numbers. Is it scaled with the stats of your dragons who has the SS? Or is it based on a stat from you character? ( in that...
  13. Seiichi

    30% Dragon's Prophet Diamond Bonus Weekend 9/8-9/10

    We are having another 30% Diamond Bonus weekend starting tonight and ending Sunday at 11:59 PST. You can purchase Diamonds here.
  14. DeltaFusion

    Dragon skill exp

    Hello, Does anyone know the best way to farm exp for your dragon skills? I am running corzine now because of the mob density. Maybe there are better ways? Thanks
  15. Seiichi

    50% Dragon's Prophet Diamond Bonus Weekend 8/25-8/27

    We are having another 50% Diamond Bonus weekend starting tonight and ending Sunday at 11:59 PST. You can purchase Diamonds here.
  16. bickie

    how to log in

    do i use my old account to login to dragons prophet or what? it's been too many years since i logged in i doubt i remember the account anymore
  17. Seiichi

    30% Dragon's Prophet Diamond Bonus Weekend 8/12-8/14

    We are having another 30% Diamond Bonus weekend starting tonight and ending Sunday at 11:59 PST. You can purchase Diamonds here.
  18. A

    Phoenix Shoulder piece location

    Hi all, Does anyone can confirm where to find the Phoenix set (Random encounter sets). I hear people farmed this one in Laedis back in the days. However whilst running all dungeons there i didnt encounter the set whatsoever. If you can post location where you found yours it would help out...
  19. DeltaFusion

    Hydra taunt

    Hello all, got a quick question: Are Hydra dragon's good taunters or did I get wrong information? Are there good taunt dragon's? TY
  20. Lasiodora

    How i can find eggs

    hi friends, I used to play this game a long time ago, when it first came out, we could find eggs at that time, I've been wandering around a lot in the area where we started the game or in some places, but I couldn't find 1 egg, I wonder if they have a spawn location, can you let me know if there...
