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Bug Report Glitchy animation for Loot pets/ Companions.


Aug 15, 2022
Hello any staff member who may be reading! I've noticed lately that certain companion pets have been having animation bugs, and while I'm not sure if they can be fixed, I was suggested to make a report on the small issue. I've noticed the pets ( Dawn, Lilly and Leo in my case ) are supposed to have flying and swimming animations. While they do have them, it would seem that they in transition to those animations seem to freeze and not unfreeze from whatever frame they entered (hilariously Lilly was stuck sitting upside down in mid air during flight at one point but my screenshotting ability at the time was broken, but if screenshots are needed I will provide them.) Though the issue isn't large, I figure it might help to inform those who might be able to correct the issue. If this is on my end however i'll gladly use any suggestions to fix it to my abilities. That said I hope the staff have a lovely day regardless of the bugs they may encounter. :)


Oct 20, 2016
This is unlikely to be something that is really fixable due to the way that they do companions; they are basically just a normal NPC with the same animations, but they do not use animations the same way as they are dependent on the characters movement and movement state.
