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Nov 29, 2023
I've been peeking at the Costumes tab in my character menu a few times and tried to move a low stat (but nice-looking) gear piece into the slots (as I would in the other MMOs I play when doing cosmetics/transmutations). It didn't work, haha.

Is it only for items that would be tagged as costume or cosmetic? Or is there something I don't know about "costuming" yet? 🤔 I just got a nice cloak I like the look of and can see myself wearing for a while. But it's lower stats than my current one and won't have practical longevity.

I'm also curious what the costume storage is and how to store in it. My current guess from looking at it, is that the one you have selected just auto-saves what's put in the menu and you'll switch from one set to the other seamlessly?

(It seems the search function doesn't work here - so sadly I cannot easily seek out posts that mention costumes in them. -sweats-)

Thank you in advanced for being patient and helping out here for something fairly unimportant in the grand scheme of things!
To use an armor piece as costume you have to convert it into a costume piece first using a 'costume transformation elixir' (either buyable in cash/shell shop or as login reward).

The transformed piece will loose all stats but gain a percent value ranging from 1-10% (depending on what transformation elixir used - if you can use 10% for best result).
And yes, you can store and switch between 10 costume sets.
Furthermore the round slots next to each costume slot is for shards to be equiped.
The first slot is always free, the second unlocks once you have 10 costume pieces of one kind (eg. hats) equiped.
As for the value of shard that can be used depends on the aforementioned percent value on the costume piece as well as on the 'energy' value of you current armor (the light blue stat).


Nov 29, 2023
Ooh, I see now - thank you! I'll keep all that in mind as do daily logins and such. I'll keep the nice cloak in my bank in the meanwhile.
