- Jan 5, 2018
- 73
- 124
Dungeon Ancient farming seems like a long, tedious and pointless effort. However, in this guide, I'll not only share the whats, wheres and hows, but how to effectively integrate it into an effective gold or experience grind for your dragon, your gold bank, or your egg nests. I'll also share with you a much, much easier way to get dragons to spawn in less than four hours, and not just that - multiples at a time.
Setting up the run:-
This is a fairly large section, so I've spoilered it.
Dungeon Ancient farming seems like a long, tedious and pointless effort. However, in this guide, I'll not only share the whats, wheres and hows, but how to effectively integrate it into an effective gold or experience grind for your dragon, your gold bank, or your egg nests. I'll also share with you a much, much easier way to get dragons to spawn in less than four hours, and not just that - multiples at a time.
Setting up the run:-
This is a fairly large section, so I've spoilered it.
Create at least four more game accounts! You can manage your accounts under the 'accounts' setting on the forum. You can make up to 10 sub accounts here. It's worth making them for egg caring, battlegrounds buffering, and dungeon buffering. The latter we're going to use for our Dungeon Ancients.
- Do NOT make more than one forum account. That's a fast ticket to get you banned. Only make accounts though the accounts page once you're signed in.
We're of course going to be multiboxing here.
Multiboxing on Adept's Dragon's Prophet is absolutely fine! I get this question a lot - this won't get you banned here. Due to the way some mechanics work, it's highly beneficial you do so if you're able to.
To launch multiple clients, just click the dp_x64.exe or dp.86.exe a couple of times. If you have a fairly average gaming computer, you won't want to start more than 5 anyway. Make sure your new accounts are set to minimum settings, minimal ui, and the smallest window you can manage to optimise performance. Play in windowed mode to quickly switch clients with Alt + TAB!
As for our little guys getting around to the dungeon we want.
This button is going to be our most vital ally. The transportation book will allow us to quickly move around. Get your main to mark the location of the dungeon gate, and use co-op scrolls, shadow step scrolls - even dungeon teleport scrolls and have every member mark the location, in the case you want to come back to this spot later. It's likely you might need a break with all this farming, or you may want to come back to it another day. Teleport scrolls are VERY easily available. You get free portals daily, on top of the very cheap kindred wheel providing many scrolls most of the time.
Set up at the most effective Minor dungeon for you (Minor dungeons are explained in the next section below.) When you pick a target dragon in a region, you want to then pick the dungeon you know you can complete the fastest.
Once you're set up and standing in front of your dungeon, you'll be ready to begin!
Multiboxing on Adept's Dragon's Prophet is absolutely fine! I get this question a lot - this won't get you banned here. Due to the way some mechanics work, it's highly beneficial you do so if you're able to.
To launch multiple clients, just click the dp_x64.exe or dp.86.exe a couple of times. If you have a fairly average gaming computer, you won't want to start more than 5 anyway. Make sure your new accounts are set to minimum settings, minimal ui, and the smallest window you can manage to optimise performance. Play in windowed mode to quickly switch clients with Alt + TAB!
As for our little guys getting around to the dungeon we want.
This button is going to be our most vital ally. The transportation book will allow us to quickly move around. Get your main to mark the location of the dungeon gate, and use co-op scrolls, shadow step scrolls - even dungeon teleport scrolls and have every member mark the location, in the case you want to come back to this spot later. It's likely you might need a break with all this farming, or you may want to come back to it another day. Teleport scrolls are VERY easily available. You get free portals daily, on top of the very cheap kindred wheel providing many scrolls most of the time.
Set up at the most effective Minor dungeon for you (Minor dungeons are explained in the next section below.) When you pick a target dragon in a region, you want to then pick the dungeon you know you can complete the fastest.
Once you're set up and standing in front of your dungeon, you'll be ready to begin!
The Mechanics of Dungeon Points:-
Another very long section, so I've spoilered it.
Another very long section, so I've spoilered it.
To spawn a dragon (especially the + type dungeons listed below) the normal rate is 1/1666 on hard mode and 1/833 on easy mode. This rate was obtained through the original Taiwanese servers. This seems like a lot to ask, for someone to run a 4 minute dungeon over 800 times.
However, to supplement players with insufficient luck, a points counter was enabled in most dungeons. Those that lack it either are bugged (Laedis) or were never designed for it (OG Bakra.) To hit this goal we need 300 points total, but the dragon can still spawn before then.
Twilight Ocean spawning at 113 instead of 300, hitting the 1/833 odds.
Believe me, I was pretty pissed when this guy spawned early, but I'll explain why later in this guide.
Thanks to the visual dungeon point counter, you now have a clear way of telling how long you have before a dragon will spawn. Upon clearing the boss, you'll see the dungeon points both overhead and in the yellow system text. Keep an eye on it every run!
However, to supplement players with insufficient luck, a points counter was enabled in most dungeons. Those that lack it either are bugged (Laedis) or were never designed for it (OG Bakra.) To hit this goal we need 300 points total, but the dragon can still spawn before then.

Twilight Ocean spawning at 113 instead of 300, hitting the 1/833 odds.

Believe me, I was pretty pissed when this guy spawned early, but I'll explain why later in this guide.
Important note! The visual counter will relay the points of the PREVIOUS dungeon you ran of this instance. If your visual counter reports 294 points, your current run is 299! Don't ask why this is the case, but be aware of this as you could spawn things early.
Each time you run a dungeon you gain 1 point per person for the dungeon you ran. Considering most dungeons only allow 5 players, we can assume that you get 5 points per time. Our target is 300 of course, but even though you hit 300 you're not guaranteed to see it next run. From that point onward, the rates change to somewhere theorised between 10% - 30%.
Here's the math. If we ran alone, that would be 300 runs. A 4 minute dungeon times 300 is 20 hours. God no.

Comparatively, when we run with 5 people, we have 60 runs to do instead. That's only 4 hours. Still seems like a lot to you?
Let's make good of our investment even further.
When a dungeon ancient spawns, it resets the points of EVERYONE present in the dungeon. If we use this knowledge to our advantage, we can quintuple our timesink.
This is where our alts come in!
At around 294 points, (This is actually 299 if you're running with five) reduce your party to two members. Both of these members will have their points at zero when the dungeon is finished. If you can help it, use a separate alt with your main character so you don't lose two 300 point rolls for this particular part.
Note that, members will only have points reset while INSIDE the dungeon. This means that you can have other members in your party, but casually wait outside the instance.
Remember that Dungeon Ancients are still between 10%-30% spawn rate at this point, so they won't show up right away. So if you hit 310 points with just two and see no signs of the dragon, don't panic, you're just extra unlucky. Typically you'll see the dragon within minutes.
When we conserve point spending in this way, we can spawn up to 5 dragons! That's one dragon in less than an hour, not so bad now huh?
On top of this, we can also use the points in other minor dungeons in the region to spawn different stuff!
Extra benefits of Dungeon Ancient Farming
- Push your alts in when only at the boss, to reduce time farming!
- You'll also get all hardmode loot, plus extra eggs at the end if you're lucky (Sometimes two a run!)
- Bring your dragon companion out to increase speed farming, give them experience, and farm provisions if you have the buff.
- Sell the loot at an underworld merchant, or extract it for other nicknacks. but only if you want to spend time doing that.
- You'll give you're friends lots of kindred bags! (They'll love you, I promise.)
- In Porthis, Thadrea and Sitheran, you'll be swimming in armour mats, which go for ALOT of gold.
- Run on hard mode rather than easy! You get tons of loot for your level and it's not that much more difficult.
- If you want to risk it, run the fastest dungeon in the region to 294. Dungeon points are effective FOR THAT REGION. If you get nearly 300 points on each alt in Korhala for example, you can spawn 1 carnelian warden, 1 black smog, 1 dancing rook and use the points remaining to spawn dupes if you like.
- You can cross Minor dungeon points to Major Dungeons.
- Running easy mode gives one point on easy. Running hard mode gives 1 point on easy and 1 point on hard.
- Dragon levels are now calculated on an average of your current party. Please bear this in mind *before* you spawn the dragon. For example if you have a level 108 and a level 20 in your party, the level average calculated is 54. It doesn't matter if this member is waiting outside, it still calculates.
The Dungeons:-
There are dungeons great and small throughout Auratia. For the purposes of this guide, I'll refer to dungeons that have multiple bosses as Major Dungeons. All other dungeons with a single boss are Minor dungeons. For example, Dunar Temple is a Major Dungeon because it has 4 bosses instead of one. Aymori Sands is Minor, because it has only one boss.
Major dungeons now have ancients.
Any dungeons marked with + means that they do not use the points system, but can still spawn a dragon.
Format is:-
Dungeon Name - Dragon Name - Speed ranking
Speed Ranking refers to how quickly you can complete the dungeon. This is based on opinion and character class, you may have a different experience. I'll grade these from F for worst and S rank for best. Use your discretion when running to accrue points. F will always apply to dungeons without a point system. An S ranking typically means you'll find your dragon in much quicker time.
Click the Spoiler under each Dungeon name to reveal what dragons lie there.
Omati Gorge - + Emerald Crystal - F
Seething Cave - + Unknown ??? - F
Arboran Ruins - + Unknown ??? - F

Arboran Ruins - + Unknown ??? - F
Consus Cave - Indigo Flare - B
Tangaroa Abandoned Mine - Emerald Assault - C
Ash Catacombs - Citrine Diamond - B

Nyrol's Nest - + Balge - F
Aryna's Lair - North Star - A

Corzine - Ancient Shadow Aqua Dragon - S
Nameless Keep - + Ancient Shadow - F
Well of Prophecy - Burnt Shadows - B
Accursed Tower - Scarlet Flame

Deyerka Tunnels - Black Smog - S
Deyerka Mines - Carnelian Warden - S
Aymori Sands - Dancing Rook - A
Dunar Temple - Vibrant Thunder

Aymori Sands - Dancing Rook - A

Yodrak's Thunder - Magna Tuska - D
Lodar Caves - Frost Breath - B
Torran Prison - Twilight Ocean - A
Ironfang Fortress - Ice Spire

Arjak Caves - Frost Ritual - S
Artenne Ruins - Heart of Snow - B
Veilar Grotto - Ember Spark - S
Palace of Methus - Fiveclaw Gold

Barlam's Lair - Lava - C
Draconic Giant's Outpost - Fyonnor - A
Bloodstone Stronghold - Flaming Fin - S
Dragonheart Temple - Obsidian Thunder

Ironwing Lair - Steeldemon - A
Bloodlust Crypt - Crimson Thorn - B
Shrine of Handras - Blue Flower

Bladeguard Underpass - Silver Wings - D
Moran Cavern - Igneous Batholith - C
Nucleus of Time - Calculus
(Calculus can still be obtained through 10 man capture or eggs)

(Calculus can still be obtained through 10 man capture or eggs)

Tonapah Tomb - Goldsteel - E
Mictlan's Corridor - Magical Silver - C
Asuma's Mirage - Milky Way

Miroth Fortress - Moss Crystal - E
Black Tower - Indigo Flame - B
Racman Grotto - Midnight Massacre

102 Dungeons:-
Omati Gorge - Unknown
Sillia Shrine - Unknown
Mount Sorthina - Red Star
Sillia Shrine - Unknown
Mount Sorthina - Red Star

In Closing:-
I hope you find this guide helpful. Formatting this was a pain in the ass, but I get a lot of questions about dungeon ancient hunting in general. The first post itself may need a little bit of clean up here and there, but I wanted to pick up from where Genmii/Wolf not only left off, but add with even more detail and tips than before.
If you have any questions, feel free to use the thread or ask me in game. I play fairly actively, so I'll keep it as up to date as I can.
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