I have a lot of suggestions, but I don't know if I should write them all in a same thread or if I have to always create new one and put there my ideas.
I'm asking for a QoL for map. When I search for a specific area, or want to bring a friend there, it would be cool to have an option...
I think it would be cool if once you enhance your weapon to 1 star you get a green glow, 2 stars blue glow, 3 stars purple glow, 4 stars orange glow, 5 stars gold glow.
I know I've suggested the companion loot pot before to have a permanent variant that you can purchase most likely with diamonds, this is just a small reminder of sorts that it's been suggested, but I had a secondary idea that I don't know if it could be implemented or not. The kindred compass...
As said in the Title. I think having dragon shards apply to PVP damage puts newer players and more F2P-ish players significantly behind players who abuse bugs, were playing for three eternities or who were selling dias to buy shards from other players. The older players still get rewarded for...
Okay so I have NO idea whatsoever as to if this could work even in theory but I had an idea I saw a different game I used to play use. The game I'm referring to is Trion worlds: RIFT, and there's this webpage the players use called YARET (Yet-Another-RIFT-Event-Tracker) and it tracks things like...
So I've noticed a good 90% or so of the player costumes all have previews with them, but seemingly none of the dragon costumes have previews to them at all. While I'm not for certain if this is possible, but maybe whatever dragon is your current dragon or out in world, lets say Skitter for ex...
Wann kommen endlich Verbesserungen bei FPS und Ping? Mit 1.89 FPS ist das Ganze unspielbar. Bei keinem anderen Spiel habe ich so extreme Probleme, es reicht nur zum einloggen und ich würde gerne spielen :/
i want to talk about two things that disturb me.
First: Dragon Equip Should be Stat/overstate able. Its hard to find a good Equipment with 3 high stats that the dragon need. Then crafting purple/orange should be worth it.
Second: Merchants have the option to sell gray items. That a a...
As with many things, I am not sure if this is possible, but there are some special fabled ancients who instead of having a really high strength base stat scaling have a really high int base scaling. Examples for that kind of thing would be the infernum dragon, guilded champion, sylvaran i...
Could you please implement new Skills?
You could randomly distribute them on all worlds. Not too many, just a few. Well hidden and only be to found via a small icon.
Skills for dragons, but also for players, would be nice... e.g. healing or support skills. Soul-bound and not transferable to...
It would be great if we would be able to transfer the riding points we accumulated on our dragons. This is probably a problem that next to no one will have, but there are situations where it could be very useful to be able to extract the riding points spent on one dragon with an item like dagon...
More Pets / Lootpets like Foxes, Wolves and maybe aswell flying one?
Mehr Haustiere / Lootpets welche noch nicht vorhanden sind, so etwas wie Füchse, Wölfe oder fliegende wie Papageien?
Do you think Buyable pets could be buyed into Shop, and placed after into the Housing Zone?
Like they would be able to walk free arrount into it?
The Idea came across as I has seen the Guild Room cat whos walking freely arround.
Was würdet Ihr von Kaufbaren Haustieren halten welche...
I think we should be able to craft in Sanctuary, i really hate flying all over the place going from one place to another trying to craft stuff it's so annoying, it would be so much easier to just port up to Sanctuary.
Hey Seiichi,
would it be possible to change silia in a way players could duo it?
idk if it would be "easy" to reduce the cooldown of the dissolving cores low enough - if thats possible it would already be fine i guess.
if not, would you consider tolerating the bug way again?
i´m asking because...
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