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Marketplace Requests

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Oct 20, 2016
If you have any requests for adding specific dragons or items to the marketplace, post them here.

For Dragon Egg requests, give us the NA and EU name of the dragon so we can make sure they can be added.

Nothing that breaks the game or is overpowered will be added, so keep that in mind.
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Oct 9, 2017
I Want to request those Dragons :




Galactic Storm

Ceresa, the Matron of Autumn


Oct 20, 2016
Because of future plans, I am no longer accepting Dragon requests for the marketplace.

Eventually all Dragons except for our exclusives and a few other exceptions will be available in game for free.

Exclusive Dragons come out once a month, and there will usually be between 1-3; we also make all Exclusive Dragons available for Christmas and also for the server anniversary (February 18th).

Currently with a few exceptions (the Dragons that cycle monthly) every other Dragon is available for free in the Gacha currently; the Gacha is available at most if not all GM events, and also always available on the Kindred Compass.

We have plans to implement a system for allowing all Dragons other than Adept exclusive or monthly Dragons to spawn in the wild, and possibly in Dungeons in addition to current wild and dungeon spawns. This will also include ~30 (current count) unreleased or variations of other Dragons, and a large portion of all contest winning Dragons; with the last count I did, it will probably be close to 70-100 new Dragons that are either new textures/variations, or requests for unreleased Dragons.

Because we no longer take Dragon requests, I am going to close this and the shell market thread though I will probably create a new request thread in the future specifically for other things.


Monthly Dragon schedule:

Monthly Dragons are generally cycled on a 3-4 month period; certain Dragons will come up more often, but in general we try to put them up in the season they fit most (Skardis is always available in December for example).

Exclusive Dragon schedule:

Every month we will make available 1-3 Dragons (eventually this will possibly change, but we're trying not to do just paid exclusives).

Dragons will mostly fit within the season or month their theme falls in; Yuletide Joy will always be in December, Samael will always be in October, Noodles will always be available for Chinese New Year. Less thematic Dragons will be available at different times.
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