Bugged main storyline quest. Will not let me save Guigan Tafek npc, the 1st objective. I can approach Guigan to interact, but it won't let me move to the next objective in the quest.
Quest Giver: Wayne Tafek Recommended level: 73 Prerequisite Quest: Drifters' Doctor Next Quest: Legendary Dragon Rescue Notes: Auto-completion sometimes fails and disconnecting and reconnecting may resolve this problem. A Brief Introduction (Part One) Head to the Yarnel Coalition Ruins to save...
I did this a few days ago, and it worked. You went to the top floor, killed the goblins, and tried to talk to him? Did his tools not appear on the bottom floor?
Yeah I killed the goblins but still it didn't work. There were no tools on the bottom floor either and it never switched to the next objective to get the tools.
Problems with quests are often individual. I guess only a GM can help you. I don't know if it's corrupted files (-> reload the client) or something else.
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