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Maxing out eggs

May 28, 2022
I was just wondering how everyone is doing on maxing out eggs. I have eggs at my house, and currently one in the egg circle. I am having trouble getting enough dancers. I made my sub accounts, and dance/care for myself, so I get at least 10 cares a day. I am wondering if I am going to have to make more characters on my sub accounts, so I can get enough cares.

I have been asking daily for friends, and people to dance for. I also started advertising for dancers before I put my eggs up, saying when they would be ready. I play about 8 to 10 hours a day on most days, so should be reaching a range of players, but am lucky to get one new add a week. I have added 16 people to my friends so far (not including my alts), but notice a lot of them are rarely on.

I want to make it clear, I'm not complaining here. I love the game and am so glad I am able to play again. I am simply trying to get an idea of what is my best course of action to get max eggs. Did anyone else make enough characters on their sub accounts to just care for their eggs themselves?


Oct 20, 2016
Source code will be making three changes that will make it semi-pointless to stress over hatched egg stats.
  1. Bonus stat (what allows a hatched Dragon to have 6/10.44) are being removed to make them the same as caught and instant-hatched eggs. This is being done because it is added separately from the quality of the Dragon and would affect the two other changes mentioned below.
  2. All Dragons are having the minimum and maximum stats changed. The new minimum stat is 6/6.9 and the new maximum will be 9/11.7; there are only three viable options for stats now as well. The stat increase is not huge, and the impact on the end game is small, but there are things we are discussing to equalize Dragon for PvE again.
  3. The final change is we are adding three new items to modify the stats of your Dragon. The first item is one that allows you to change the bonus stat at any point, and the final two are used to change the actual stat value of your Dragon between the new minimum and new maximum values. One will be random, and will select one of the three stat values available, and one will just max out the dragon entirely. Plans on how to acquire them have not fully been made, though the random stat item will be made available through shells and most other reward systems in the game.


Jul 5, 2020
All Dragons are having the minimum and maximum stats changed. The new minimum stat is 6/6.9 and the new maximum will be 9/11.7; there are only three viable options for stats now as well. The stat increase is not huge, and the impact on the end game is small, but there are things we are discussing to equalize Dragon for PvE again.
By 'equalize Dragon for PvE again', as in making it easier to solo dungeons/etc via having a higher stat dragon companion? :eek:

I'm guessing that hatching eggs will still have a point for the sake that you can still hit the max with eggs, tho I wonder how removing the bonus stats'll affect those who try maxing their eggs out generally
I want to make it clear, I'm not complaining here. I love the game and am so glad I am able to play again. I am simply trying to get an idea of what is my best course of action to get max eggs. Did anyone else make enough characters on their sub accounts to just care for their eggs themselves?
One account - 1 dance per day. Any character from the account. There's no point in making 5 characters, since you won't be able to dance with them anyway.
Post automatically merged:

All Dragons are having the minimum and maximum stats changed. The new minimum stat is 6/6.9 and the new maximum will be 9/11.7; there are only three viable options for stats now as well. The stat increase is not huge, and the impact on the end game is small, but there are things we are discussing to equalize Dragon for PvE again.

it turns out that it will be necessary to engage in incubators in the future only if you need provisions to increase the level / maximum level of the dragon?
May 28, 2022
Ah okay, only one dance per account makes sense for the game I guess, but sucks for maxing eggs. At the current amount of cares I get, I will never max an egg. Very few people are dancing. I even had one player today advertise that they wanted dancers, so I added them. They flat out told me not to add them to my house because they don't dance. They want others to dance for them, but do not care to return the favor apparently.

Oh and as for my reason for wanting to max out my dragons, frankly I need them. I have motor skill issues and one reason I love this game is I have the dragon to help so I don't die constantly. I actually have to rely on my dragons just to get through the quests and story dungeons. So while maxing may not matter to the rest of you in pve, it makes a big difference for people like myself.
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Ah okay, only one dance per account makes sense for the game I guess, but sucks for maxing eggs. At the current amount of cares I get, I will never max an egg. Very few people are dancing. I even had one player today advertise that they wanted dancers, so I added them. They flat out told me not to add them to my house because they don't dance. They want others to dance for them, but do not care to return the favor apparently.
You're being a little deceitful. It was me, my nickname in the game Aesone. I didn't write that I needed dancers, my message to the world chat looked different. For the most part, I write for those who have been dancing in my house for a long time that there are fresh eggs at home. I add those who need items that get after dancing, 200 eggs give a lot of different stuff. Yes, I don't go dancing, I'm just too lazy. You can remove yourself from the friends list and not dance if you are so offended by this situation.


Oct 20, 2016
By 'equalize Dragon for PvE again', as in making it easier to solo dungeons/etc via having a higher stat dragon companion? :eek:

I'm guessing that hatching eggs will still have a point for the sake that you can still hit the max with eggs, tho I wonder how removing the bonus stats'll affect those who try maxing their eggs out generally

Expanding Dragon armor, increasing Dragon level and allottable stats and potentially bringing some of the other things that player gear has to Dragons. There are several suggestions we have written down and considered and we just need to figure out which ones and how they will be implemented in the future.

We do have a few things potentially planned for egg hatching, but they are dependent on whether the game will support them and how we balance them.

I personally do not like the egg system and we will be focusing on more content to encourage exploration and capturing Dragons than hatching them when we get to that point.

Ah okay, only one dance per account makes sense for the game I guess, but sucks for maxing eggs. At the current amount of cares I get, I will never max an egg. Very few people are dancing. I even had one player today advertise that they wanted dancers, so I added them. They flat out told me not to add them to my house because they don't dance. They want others to dance for them, but do not care to return the favor apparently.

Oh and as for my reason for wanting to max out my dragons, frankly I need them. I have motor skill issues and one reason I love this game is I have the dragon to help so I don't die constantly. I actually have to rely on my dragons just to get through the quests and story dungeons. So while maxing may not matter to the rest of you in pve, it makes a big difference for people like myself.

The difference in stats between a 6/6.9 and a 6/10.44 are not the biggest, as only one stat gets a huge bonus and is minor in comparison. It is also why we are doing away with bonus stats to hatching, as you should not have to hatch an egg to have the best stats in the game ?‍♂️.
May 28, 2022
We do have a few things potentially planned for egg hatching, but they are dependent on whether the game will support them and how we balance them.

I personally do not like the egg system and we will be focusing on more content to encourage exploration and capturing Dragons than hatching them when we get to that point.
That is good to hear. the current system just doesn't really work anymore. I use to like to hatch because you get to pick the stat bonus, and could get the best stats, versus taming the same dragon over and over to get the stat bonus and 6/6.96. While 9.96 and 10.44 aren't huge, they could be the difference needed to stay alive for me. Gear improvements obviously help, but for me, I have to do everything possible, not just gear. Others find this game easy, I do not, so I need every advantage.

I also use to like the system because if you got a crap dragon from the store, you could turn it into an unhatched egg and get a good dragon out of it. I had that happen with 4 dragons, and turned them into eggs, which now seems to have been a waste, as they won't get enough cares to have much better stats than what they rolled with.

For now I think I will just scrap doing eggs, and just tame wild. Eggs are just not worth it right now for me.

Thanks for all the input everyone.

You're being a little deceitful. It was me, my nickname in the game Aesone. I didn't write that I needed dancers, my message to the world chat looked different. For the most part, I write for those who have been dancing in my house for a long time that there are fresh eggs at home. I add those who need items that get after dancing, 200 eggs give a lot of different stuff. Yes, I don't go dancing, I'm just too lazy. You can remove yourself from the friends list and not dance if you are so offended by this situation.
As for this. I was not deceitful. I was not even talking about you. I have had 3 players say the same thing, and only 1 actually sent a whisper instantly, with the don't bother message, and it was not you. You may have said you don't dance, but you were nice about it. I was talking about the rude player to make a point that the community has changed, and not everyone dances, so it is a system that no longer works.
As for this. I was not deceitful. I was not even talking about you. I have had 3 players say the same thing, and only 1 actually sent a whisper instantly, with the don't bother message, and it was not you. You may have said you don't dance, but you were nice about it. I was talking about the rude player to make a point that the community has changed, and not everyone dances, so it is a system that no longer works.
I wrote to you that I don't dance, so you don't need to add me.
Most people have been playing here for a long time, and dancing is simply not necessary. They already have everything.
And not everyone likes to dance when there aren't a lot of eggs. At least 70+ to find those who want to dance for the sake of Seal-Breaking Scale Powder, which sometimes falls out when dancing. The chance is very small, the more eggs, the greater the chance to get several items at once. By the way, people come to me mostly because of this.
May 28, 2022
I wrote to you that I don't dance, so you don't need to add me.
Most people have been playing here for a long time, and dancing is simply not necessary. They already have everything.
And not everyone likes to dance when there aren't a lot of eggs. At least 70+ to find those who want to dance for the sake of Seal-Breaking Scale Powder, which sometimes falls out when dancing. The chance is very small, the more eggs, the greater the chance to get several items at once. By the way, people come to me mostly because of this.
Just another reason why the current system doesn't work. There are not enough players, and out of those, not enough willing to dance. That is the point I was making. The player base has changed, the reasons they are, or are not, willing to dance have changed, So the system needs to change.
May 25, 2022
so dancing may or may not be as any effective just because people don't find it rewarding to dance for just a handful of eggs? i'm trying not to stress over this but it is failing. i'll just at least be polite and try not to make a scene. because at least the dev's are planning for stuff after the source code thing.
i am not good at this because i don't really know what to say. but i hope the dev's are doing good and taking care of themselves. and i wish them good luck.
May 28, 2022
Out of 25 eggs, very few actually maxed for me. The worst part is, my 4 store eggs, that I paid 1200 diamonds each to turn into unhatched eggs, did not max. Since store eggs do not have dragons to remove to extend time, they only made it to 4.50/7.13. They originally rolled with stats between 2 and 4. I use to have no issue getting rerolled store eggs to max.

I am going to pay another 1200 diamonds to reroll one again, and try it in the egg circle. if I can't max them in the egg circle, I will not be buying any more store dragons. It is rare to get 6/6.96 from a store dragon, so they aren't worth buying if you can't max them on a reroll.

I'm hoping they come up with a better system for nests. Spending all my play time in the egg circle, to max eggs, doesn't not sound like fun. I would much rather be able to actually play my character.

On a side note, I am working on getting 100 nests and eggs for a test to see if more eggs means more dancers. I will not be putting any eggs I care about in it though. I don't trust them to max in nests.


Oct 20, 2016
so dancing may or may not be as any effective just because people don't find it rewarding to dance for just a handful of eggs? i'm trying not to stress over this but it is failing. i'll just at least be polite and try not to make a scene. because at least the dev's are planning for stuff after the source code thing.
i am not good at this because i don't really know what to say. but i hope the dev's are doing good and taking care of themselves. and i wish them good luck.

People are lazy and assholes. Sadly, because the game will likely have a small population and will also be the same people playing for around 5-10 years, reciprocation of dancing is unlikely to get any better. If anything, most people have gotten worse since even a year ago.

The hatching system itself was inherently flawed from the beginning, and is also why I have never liked it. If it were a system where it encouraged you to play the game and you could directly increase your egg quality when hatched through gameplay (something I have thought of seeing if we can add) than I would be more inclined to like the system.

But because it is a system that directly requires you to either stop playing the game (egg circle) or requires you to maintain eggs at your house as a chore, and then require you to somehow encourage players to dance... When there are few worthwhile rewards for doing so makes it an inherently flawed system that was poorly thought out.

Out of 25 eggs, very few actually maxed for me. The worst part is, my 4 store eggs, that I paid 1200 diamonds each to turn into unhatched eggs, did not max. Since store eggs do not have dragons to remove to extend time, they only made it to 4.50/7.13. They originally rolled with stats between 2 and 4. I use to have no issue getting rerolled store eggs to max.

I am going to pay another 1200 diamonds to reroll one again, and try it in the egg circle. if I can't max them in the egg circle, I will not be buying any more store dragons. It is rare to get 6/6.96 from a store dragon, so they aren't worth buying if you can't max them on a reroll.

I'm hoping they come up with a better system for nests. Spending all my play time in the egg circle, to max eggs, doesn't not sound like fun. I would much rather be able to actually play my character.

On a side note, I am working on getting 100 nests and eggs for a test to see if more eggs means more dancers. I will not be putting any eggs I care about in it though. I don't trust them to max in nests.

I really recommend not re-egging as much as possible; the items are available because people want them but they're basically a terrible option especially with a low population.

Currently we are working on looking into a bug we are having with the new file system on the client and finishing up the launcher, after which we'll hopefully be able to make progress on release again.
May 28, 2022
It has always been a crappy system, but when there was a large player base, it was easy, and you were pretty much guaranteed maxed eggs. There were more players willing to dance, just to help too.

It would be nice if the eggs at your house could improve from things like completing dailies or dungeons. Like if you complete your dailies, you get an item you can use on your eggs to increase the stats. It would make it so people could still dance for the items they get, but the player who owns the eggs, would have more control over if their eggs max or not. You would be able to actually play your character, and get rewarded for doing so, by having your eggs max. It would also eliminate the annoyance of having to dance for yourself on 9 sub accounts. It would also make it so players wouldn't have to have 70+ eggs to get dancers. They could just do 1 egg at their house if they wanted, instead of having to stand in the egg circle.

It needs to be in the player's hands as to whether or not their eggs max. Relying on other players is a poor system, made worse by fewer players.


Mar 21, 2022
I personally do not like the egg system and we will be focusing on more content to encourage exploration and capturing Dragons than hatching them when we get to that point.
As someone who thinks that implementing the egg system instead of trying to make wild dragons stats better/make the wild ancients more available without spawncamping was a huge mistake, that's great news! I hope you'll be able to impmement those changes you've planned without the game acting up too much!


Oct 20, 2016
As someone who thinks that implementing the egg system instead of trying to make wild dragons stats better/make the wild ancients more available without spawncamping was a huge mistake, that's great news! I hope you'll be able to impmement those changes you've planned without the game acting up too much!
I hate the egg system ?, it would have been fine to be things that weren't exclusive to dungeon content (eg new Dragons or re-using roaming Dragons) but the fact that they made Balge and other Dragons a commodity is just... bad.

The issue we were having with performance was just needing to restart the test server... As it had been up for ~4 months without a restart. We have some more things we need to test and find any issues with but hopefully still on track.


Apr 20, 2021
Source code will be making three changes that will make it semi-pointless to stress over hatched egg stats.
  1. Bonus stat (what allows a hatched Dragon to have 6/10.44) are being removed to make them the same as caught and instant-hatched eggs. This is being done because it is added separately from the quality of the Dragon and would affect the two other changes mentioned below.
  2. All Dragons are having the minimum and maximum stats changed. The new minimum stat is 6/6.9 and the new maximum will be 9/11.7; there are only three viable options for stats now as well. The stat increase is not huge, and the impact on the end game is small, but there are things we are discussing to equalize Dragon for PvE again.
  3. The final change is we are adding three new items to modify the stats of your Dragon. The first item is one that allows you to change the bonus stat at any point, and the final two are used to change the actual stat value of your Dragon between the new minimum and new maximum values. One will be random, and will select one of the three stat values available, and one will just max out the dragon entirely. Plans on how to acquire them have not fully been made, though the random stat item will be made available through shells and most other reward systems in the game.
Dude, if there is a new value, in the Point 2, 9/11.7 is visible? Because geting all pita give me 6/10
