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Suggestion Implemented Very rare item that can max out stats of an egg and/or reduce it's incubation time


So my next suggestion would be an item, like a ticket or something, that can instantly add like half of the stat bar on the incubating egg, and reduce the incubation time. I was thinking about it because maybe it can help people to save some time?
I can imagine it can have positive points like negative ones: on one side it would save tons of time (especially when we don't have much), and guarantee a high stat dragon, but on the other, the community won't connect for afking or dancing for people's eggs or for self with the smurf accounts, and it all would seem too easy.

Now that I am writing this text, I am unsure. I would like to know your opinion about this.
Maybe if we can make this item really rare? Like dropping once a year, for example during birthday, so it won't seem much OP.


Oct 20, 2016
While not for eggs, we do have items coming that will allow you to max out (or randomize) the stats of an egg without re-rolling it.

The maximum stats for Dragons is also changing (you can read more here: Current Source Code Progress).

Currently the maximum stats Dragons can get are 6/6.9 (or 6/10.44 for hatched), which we will be changing. The new range of stats available to Dragons will be 6/6.9 to 9/11.7, and this will apply to both hatched and wild Dragons. We will be removing the added stat bonus hatched Dragons received, however you will still have a maximum rarity which should roll over automatically to the newest max stat value, giving you higher stats than you would have now.

Now people will have the choice to capture or hatch eggs and will be able to get the highest stat possible regardless of their preference.
