Guide Wild Ancient Pathways & Information


May 5, 2017
Hello! So, a while back I had taken a template which Blau and Oric had created in order to make it a bit easier to find out information regarding ancients (Wild ancients, this doesn't include dungeon ancients!) and their pathways. I spiced it up a bit, updated it, and added images of dragons for each and left it at that. I have since then stopped working on it but with the influx of new players, I figured why not bring it back?

Link: Wild Ancient Paths & Information

What's New: The most notable change towards this sheet is the actual spawn points for dragons. So far, the wiki had only given the pathways of where ancients walk and fly, but never the actual spawn locations for each dragon. Now I know that ancients, especially random four-day ancients, have it a bit hard to actually track their points so considering there is always someone looking for them so, I've started with the easiest: the 3-hour ancients.

Future Plans: At some point, I'll add a section to explain where to look for the icon which changes from, for example, Day to Sunset and the sequence they run in. Including how long each cycle is. Just little bits of information to make your dragon hunting just a bit easier.

Extra Information: I would like to add that these spawn points aren't ALL spawn points for every dragon. You'll notice with Tonapah's Shadow and Son of Tyre, there aren't many dots that show their location. That is because personally, I've never bothered with hunting them a lot which results in me not knowing much of their spawn points. This is where I'd like to ask for help from the player base in filling it out. If you have proof (e.g a screenshot of their location on the map where you had been around as soon as they had spawned etc.) of a spawn point for a dragon, please don't hesitate to shoot me a message on the forums!

Happy Hunting!

Snake Pest

Just a little festive
May 13, 2020
thank you for the guide, i was looking for this, after seeing how some small things are off with the fandom wiki i was trying to find a new guide to follow


May 13, 2020
Danke Wolf , das ist mal eine echt gute Guide ^^
Sie hat mir sehr geholfen ^^
May 25, 2022
the guide is nice and all but i have a problem with the "every 4th day" being repeated on almost all of the dragon's. its frankly confusing. as it can be taken that all dragon's spawn on the forth day. another guide on the forums uses the "every 4th day" as well but that doesn't help any better. as it doesn't tell me which of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th day spawns which dragon.


May 5, 2017
I'm not longer managing this calendar, so it's incredibly outdated. I'd recommend looking at the websites calendar -



Holiday Addict
Mar 13, 2017
yes it's confusing...that's why i don't hunt wilds...i just occasionally bump into them if i'm lucky. I prefer to hatch dragons i need from eggs.


Mar 21, 2022
I remember there being a really good guide on the official german Dp forum (they also had figured out every single spawnpoint, something that's missing here as well). Unfortunately that guide seems to be forever lost with the official site going offline


Just a little festive
May 21, 2022
Nice work. Even if the times aren't updated it's nice to have all the paths in 1 place like this


Just a little festive
Feb 9, 2022
Tbh spawn points are fairly easy since dragons can only spawn on the ground = all walking sections of the route.
Altough this excludes the spawn after maintenance for some reason, in that case the dragon only spawn at one location on their route, usually one of the end points, in german we called it Null-Spawn.
This made camping ancients fairly easy.^^
you knew their spawn location and that they would spawn within 24 hours.


May 25, 2020
A ce sujet, je pense avoir des informations intéressantes à vous donner.

Ici ceci :
D'après ma mémoire des serveurs officiels, concernant le spawn "tous les quatre jours", un nombre limité de dragons sont concernés.

Ce sont : Cobalt Lightning, Midnight Shade, Shrouded Carnage, Solar Eclipse, Son of Tyre, Tonapah's Sahdow, Death Phantom.

Fait intéressant : Midnight Shade, Tyre's Son et Solar Eclipse sont apparus le même jour IRL, tout comme Cobalt Lightning et Death Phantom. À Wynnadia, Midnight Shade règne du début du crépuscule jusqu'à la fin de la nuit. Puis, à Porthis, Tyre's Son couvre toute l'aube. Enfin, à Inartia, Solar Eclipse couvre toute la journée.
Cobalt Lightning apparaît toute la journée et Phantom Death tout le crépuscule.

Cobalt Lightning, Midnight Shade, Shrouded Carnage, Tire's Son and Solar Eclipse, Tonapah's Shadow, Death Phantom apparaissaient toutes les 3 heures (apparaissaient et disparaissaient (pour le spawn, le dragon ne disparaissait pas tant que vous gardiez son attention).

Solar Eclipse était spécial, il apparaissait et disparaissait toutes les 3 heures jusqu'à ce qu'il soit capturé ou tué, mais pouvait réapparaître une seconde fois après une maintenance du serveur ou un patch, à condition qu'il ait été capturé ou tué avant ce genre d'événement.

Dans ce cycle de 4 jours toutes les 3 heures, je me souviens donc qu'il y avait eu une journée avec Cobalt Lightning et Death Phantom, une autre journée avec Midnight Shade, Tire's Son et Solar Eclipse, puis Shrouded Carnage, et enfin, Tonapah's Shadow. Et ainsi de suite. Maintenant, je ne sais pas quel est l'ordre exact actuel sur les serveurs Adept, mais il serait intéressant de vérifier.

Pour le prochain

Pour d'autres dragons comme Pale Radiance, Primal Star, Fungal Bloom, Whispering Wind, Shattered Rage, Silver Thorn, Alabaster, Dark Flame, Recursive Nightmare, Hazull the Swirling Flame, Scarlet Bloom, Verdant Fin, Green Hermit,, Mountain Traveler et Twinhead apparaissaient jusqu'à deux ou trois jours après la maintenance du serveur où un correctif et ils ne disparaissaient pas après un certain temps. Certains d'entre eux peuvent apparaître dans un cycle particulier, et d'autres de manière plus spécifique ou irrégulière.

Après avoir été capturés ou tués, ils réapparaissaient dans les trois à six jours suivant la mort ou la capture. Et ainsi de suite.
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May 25, 2020
Hi, I've removed a few dragons that I'm not sure of or that aren't affected by the second part of my post.
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