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Suggestion Rejected Make Ridingpoints transferable

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Feb 24, 2020
It would be great if we would be able to transfer the riding points we accumulated on our dragons. This is probably a problem that next to no one will have, but there are situations where it could be very useful to be able to extract the riding points spent on one dragon with an item like dagon essence extractors for dragon skills or through whatever means really. This could come in handy when you get a suboptimal mount dragon, for example when an oracle accumulates a lot of points on a windrider to get a lot of intelligence from the Wisdom accumulation skill early on in the game, but they got a Fabled Ancient as a dragon partner, wich doesn't scale well with magic attributes on the dragon. Most people in this situation will just take it as it is in that situation because the chance to get any better partner soon, is very small, so once they build a second windrider to try to get a perfect partner for the stat boost, they end up losing the riding points they gained with no way of transfering them. This would be one example, another one would be the same situation with gunblade rangers and Razorspines. Not even just if they want to perfect their stats, but also if they want a decent looking mount dragon as the few good looking ones aren't really easily available early game. Pretty neiche, but it would help if riding points would be more flexible like the dragon skills in general.
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