- Mar 13, 2017
- 262
- 254
tyvm Heroine!
A friend of mine had a random spawn yesterday in Gaesis Roost, whats spawning there is Ebony Thorn.Gaesis Roost - + Unknown??? - F
Could I get additional clarification on this dragon's spawn, whether a boss was slain or not?A friend of mine had a random spawn yesterday in Gaesis Roost, whats spawning there is Ebony Thorn. View attachment 2477
Perfect, thanks! I'll be investigating this when I get some time free again.No, the boss was not slain. It spawned as soon he approched the spawn-point, similar to the dragons at deyarka.
Hello, in my opinion everything that adds anything is worth the work, i'm writing from my point of view and many players who liked soul gazes. It added an element of a surprise, as player could never know if they will get it and which dragon. Another advantage of soul gazes is a new option to collect dragon to book = achievement.When we have the things that are currently being worked on/planned done, I will look at fixing any of the dungeons that are not on the same system as the point system.
As far as the Soul Gaze feature, we won't be adding it as I don't see it adding much value. We have something that we began planning before SH was announced, but we have other things that need to be completed first before we start implementing those plans.
My issue with the soul gaze system is that they could have easily triggered it to spawn a Dragon, rather than just giving you the option to loot an object for an egg. It is uninspired, and was more a last effort attempt to make the game feel like they had done something new.Hello, in my opinion everything that adds anything is worth the work, i'm writing from my point of view and many players who liked soul gazes. It added an element of a surprise, as player could never know if they will get it and which dragon. Another advantage of soul gazes is a new option to collect dragon to book = achievement.
My issue with the soul gaze system is that they could have easily triggered it to spawn a Dragon, rather than just giving you the option to loot an object for an egg. It is uninspired, and was more a last effort attempt to make the game feel like they had done something new.
Our plan is to expand the ability to randomly spawn Dragons in dungeons or in the wild, and potentially script them to roam similar to the daily Dragons currently. At least in my opinion, anything that gives a bit of that original feeling when you first play Dragon's Prophet and you find the rare/ancient Dragon, is always going to be better than just an egg.
The issue we have is that we are a small team, and that we have a daunting backlog of fixes, enhancements or new features that players have requested, or that we want to add ourselves. It does not help that working backwards to fix code is much harder than writing your own and maintaining it.
SH didn't actually add anything new to the game; it used the TW data and they just made available some dragons that had not been released.Meiner Meinung nach Macht ihr das sehr gut Seiichi und alles was zur Zeit zusätzliche Arbeit bedeutet sollte erst einmal zurück stehen ^^
Es stimmt und ich empfand es auch so , das die Seelenblicke nur ein Versuch waren um die Spieler für SH überhaupt zu interessieren - immerhin war es bis auf wenige neu hinzu gefügte Drachen , absolut identisch mit dem orginalen DP ! Ich denke mal anders hätten sie nicht ihre überzogenen Ingame-Preise (Diamanten und Gold) rechtfertigen können ! Hinzu kommt das man durch diese Seelenblicke sehr schnell alle Drachen zusammen bekam so das der Reiz des Games - die Jagdt und das Zähmen - ziemlich schnell auf der Strecke blieben . Immerhin konnte man schon in der Startwelt in jedem Dungeon bis zu 8 verschiedene Fabel-Legis und 1-2 verschiedene Dungeonrare bekommen ! Was macht das dann noch für einen Sinn nach "normale" Drachen zu suchen , wenn man eh vollkommen mit ursprünglich sehr seltene Drachen überhäuft wird .
Nein macht mal so weiter wie bisher und wer wirklich auf sehr einfache Weise an solche Drachen kommen will brauch ja nur am GM-Event teilnehmen ! Welches übrigends letztes Wochenende sehr lustig war mit dem Überboss ^^ (Danke nochmal an Hater) ^^
Meiner Meinung nach ist es echt gut so wie es ist , wenn jetzt eventuell noch Pay-Safe wieder gehen wird , dann wäre ich zB restlos glücklich ^^
Und an dieser Stelle nochmal - Danke euch allen das ihr euch dem Spiel angenommen habt und uns zur Nutzung zur Verfügung stellt ^^
LG Ruhloser ^^
This can happen, it's just fairly rare.I spawned a Ice Spire with only 164 points... did that like 1 week ago but don't know why he spawned on that much points. Maybe i'm lucky![]()