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Suggestion Rejected Enrich the thematic of dragons

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May 25, 2020
Hello everyone, I'm opening this new thread to talk about some ideas I had to enrich the thematic of different species of dragons.

One of my ideas is about Pale Radiance.
There she is :

Due to the fact that "Pale Radiance" has what one might to call of as rocky scales with phophorescent "crystaling" ends.
The same goes for the spikes he has behind the head, on the neck, legs and wings.
For the green parts drawn on and under the wings,
these would be reflective (because their scaly "leather" would also be crystalline) or, would not change, depending on the overall rendering.
"Pale radiance", could therefore express the idea that its phosphorescent rocks / "crystalline" parts emit weak, even very weak glows.
So, overall, to emited a "Pale Radiance".

I obviously have other ideas in store for other dragons. I had to start somewhere.
In any case, I am counting on you to tell me what you think about it and do not hesitate to enrich this post with your own ideas.

thanks for your interest


Oct 20, 2016
We plan to update the textures (which is why we do a recolor of different models), but we're not going to make them thematic to their name or their compendium.

Some things are also not quite that possible due to the way that Dragon's prophet has been designed. There are very few things you can currently change about a dragon to differentiate them between dragons with the same model or within the same family.
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