Suggestion Rejected Suggestion

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Jan 23, 2019
So i've seen ragebart idea for inventory and saw that it couldn't be done .

I've had another idea for a while .

You add an option when you're in a shop that allows you to select 1 item to start the sellings then a second item where the sellings will end . Then you press a special button on the shop to sell every item inbetween . With this kind of thing no one should make a mistake and sell their stuff that way and people will sell quickly all the things they just farmed and don't need .

And another thing i don't know if it's possible but reducing extraction time would be pretty good imo , like half the actual time .


Oct 20, 2016
You would be amazed at how people will sell, extract or delete their items. While in theory this is a bit better than Ragebarts recommendation, it is actually much harder to do in practice. For one, the UI (which is pretty hardcoded and difficult to work with) would have to be overhauled to support this system, and secondly it requires quite a bit of programming to put into practice as the game doesn't actively support anything like this. I'm not saying we won't look at a solution, but it's something that will take a lot of internal planning and research, and will be way off into the future as it would require extensive testing.

As far as extraction goes, I'm not familiar with the whole backend of it but a look can be taken to see if something could be done to speed it up, but it depends on how they handle things, and what they do.
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