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Aug 15, 2022
Okay so I have NO idea whatsoever as to if this could work even in theory but I had an idea I saw a different game I used to play use. The game I'm referring to is Trion worlds: RIFT, and there's this webpage the players use called YARET (Yet-Another-RIFT-Event-Tracker) and it tracks things like when bosses spawn or when a certain event is active and what stage the event is in (just starting, boss has spawned, ended, resetting, etc.) I don't know if this could be done or made possible, but I feel like if it could be done it would be a great way of finding certain ancients that spawn, when they will be respawning and so on. Again, I have no idea if this could even be done, but hey worth a shot to suggest I suppose!

The link to the page is still active and used daily tmk so if anyone is interested they can view it here: YARET
